Monday, April 19, 2010

Software bridegroom

Thanks to the person who shared this with me
@Dan - The names are pure coincidental :-)

படித்த நகைச்சுவை
A conversation abt the process of selecting a software bridegroom….
Enjoy reading….
வித்யா : என்னடி திடீர்னு ஃபோன் பண்ணியிருக்க என்ன விஷயம்?
Vidhya: hey! what is the matter you have called up all of a sudden?

நித்யா: வீட்ல மாப்பிளை பார்க்கலாம்னு நிறைய இடத்துல ரிஜிஸ்டர் பண்ணாங்க இல்லை? நிறைய ஜாதகமா வந்திருக்கு. அதுல 4-5 ஒத்து வர மாதிரி இருக்கு. எதை செலக்ட் பண்ணலாம்னு தெரியலை. அதான் குழம்பி போய் இருக்கேன்.
Nithya : do u remember that my parents gave my horoscope, to search for a suitable match, to many people? So many horoscopes of the groom has come.. in that 4-5 seems to match.. I don't know which one to select, I am confused because of it.

வித்யா : என்ன குழப்பம்?
Vidhya: what is the confusion about?
நித்யா : நிறைய சாப்ட்வேர் இஞ்சினியருங்க ஜாதகம் வந்திருக்கு. இப்ப எல்லாம் சாப்ட்வேர் இஞ்சினியருங்க வேற ஃபீல்ட்ல இருக்கற
பொண்ணுங்களை தான் கல்யாணம் பண்ணிக்கனும் யோசிக்கறாங்களாம். அதான் இதுல யாரை செலக்ட் பண்றதுனு தெரியல. நீதான்
சாப்ட்வேர் இஞ்சினியராச்சே. எனக்கு கொஞ்சம் சஜஷன் சொல்லு.
Nithya: horoscopes of many software engineers have come. It seems now a days, the software guys are wanting to marry girls in the other field. That's I why I don't know whom I must select among this. You are a software engineer na pls give me some suggestion .

வித்யா : சொல்லிட்டா போகுது. ஒவ்வொருத்தரும் என்ன பொசிஷனு சொல்லு.
vidhya: not a problem at all. So tell me the position that each one holds.

நித்யா: முதல் மாப்பிள்ளை மேனஜரா இருக்காரு.
nithya: first is a manager.

வித்யா : மேனஜரா? அப்படினா எப்பவுமே எதோ பிஸியா இருக்கற மாதிரி ஒரு பில்ட் அப் கொடுப்பாரு. ஆனா உருப்படியா ஒண்ணும் செய்ய மாட்டாரு. ஒரு கிலோ அரிசில ஊருக்கே சாப்பாடு செய்ய சொல்லுவாரு. ஆட்டுக்கறி வாங்கிட்டு வந்து கொடுத்துட்டு சிக்கன் 65 செய்ய சொல்லுவாரு. அது முடியாதுனு சொன்னாலும், ஒத்துக்க மாட்டாரு. எப்படியாவது ராத்திரி பகலா கஷ்டப்பட்டு உழைச்சாவது அதை செஞ்சி முடிக்கனும்னு சொல்லுவாரு. வேணும்னா நைட் கேப் (cab) அரெஞ்ச் பண்றனு சொல்லுவாரு. டேய் ராத்திரி பகல் முழிச்சா மட்டும் எப்படிடா செய்ய முடியும் கேட்டாலும் ஒத்துக்க மாட்டாரு.
vidhya: manager?? Then he will showcast himself that he is busy always. But he will not do anything properly. He will get u 1 kg of rice and ask you to prepare for the whole area say a village. He will get you mutton and ask you to prepare chicken 65. Even if you protest telling you can't make it, he'll not accept. He will tell you to work hard day and night to prepare it. He will also tell he'll provide you with the night cab. Even if you ask how can I prepare chicken 65 out of it by sitting day and night he will not accept.

வித்யா: ஆஹா. அவ்வளவு ஆபாத்தானவரா? அப்ப நம்ம எஸ்கேப். அடுத்து இருக்கறவரு டெஸ்ட் இஞ்சினியரு.
nithya: dangerous he is!! Then I must escape. Next is a test engineer.

நித்யா: இவரு அவரை விட ஆபத்தானவரு. எது செஞ்சாலும் அதுல இருக்கற குறையை மட்டும் கரெக்டா சொல்லுவாரு. நீ பத்து வெரைட்டி சமைச்சு அவரை அசத்தனும்னு நினைச்சாலும் அதுல எதுல உப்பு கம்மியா இருக்குனு மட்டும் சொல்லுவாரு. நல்லா இருக்குனு எதுவுமே சொல்ல மாட்டீங்களானு கேட்டா, நல்லா செய்ய வேண்டியது தான் உன் வேலை. அதனால அதை எதுக்கு சொல்லனும்னு கேட்பாரு. ரொம்ப நல்லவரு.
vidhya: he is more dangerous than the other person. Whatever you do he will correctly tell only the fault in it. Even if you try to surprise him with 10 variety of food, he will tell the item which does not have salt in it. If you ask him "will you not at least tell that it is good", he will reply back saying it is your duty to make it good so why must I tell that. He is sooo good …

வித்யா: அப்ப இவருக்கும் நோ சொல்லிடலாம். அடுத்து இருக்கறவரு பெர்ஃபார்மன்ஸ் டெஸ்ட் இஞ்சினியராம்.
Nithya: then a NO to him also. Next is the performance test engineer.

நித்யா : இது அதுக்கும் மேல. எல்லாமே நல்லா இருந்தாலும், இதை செய்ய இவ்வளவு நேரமானு கேட்பாரு. காபி போட 10 நிமிஷமாச்சுனா, காபி நல்லா இருக்கானு பார்க்க மாட்டாரு. 5 நிமிஷத்துல போட வேண்டிய காப்பியை 10 நிமிஷமா போட்டிருக்கனு சத்தம் போடுவாரு. நீங்க சொல்றது இன்ஸ்டண்ட் காபி, நான் செஞ்சது பில்டர் காபினு சொன்னாலும் கேட்க மாட்டாரு. அதே மாதிரி தான் எல்லா வேலைக்கும். அப்ப நீ மேக் அப் பண்ற நேரத்துக்கு நீ எல்லாம் இவரை யோசிக்கவே கூடாது.
vidhya: he is another specimen.. even if everything is good, he will ask why did it take this much time. If you take 10 minutes to make a coffee, he will question you asking why you have taken 10 min for a coffee which can be done within 5 min. Even if you say that he is talking about the instant coffee while you have made the filter coffee, he will not accept. The same will be with all the work you do. You must not think about this person if you want to do make up in your life !!!

வித்யா: அப்ப சாப்ட்வேர் மாப்பிளையே வேண்டாம்னு சொல்றியா?
Nithya: then! you mean to say that we should not marry software guys??

நித்யா: யார் அப்படி சொன்னா? சாப்ட்வேர்லயே இளிச்ச வாய் கூட்டம் ஒண்ணு இருக்கு. அது தான் டெவலப்பர் கூட்டம். எவ்வளவு அடிச்சாலும் தாங்கிக்கும்.
Vidhya: who said like that?? In software there is one more group. They are called the Information developers (Even Technical Writers) group. How much ever you hit them they will bear.

வித்யா: அவுங்களை பத்தி சொல்லேன்.
Nithya: then tell about them.

நித்யா: நீ எதுவுமே செய்ய வேண்டாம். எல்லாமே இவுங்களே செஞ்சிடுவாங்க. நாம பின்னாடி இருந்து உற்சாகப்படுத்தினா போதும். ஆனா இவுங்க கிட்ட இருக்கற பிரச்சனை என்னனா எது கேட்டாலும் தெரியும்னு சொல்லிடுவாங்க. நம்ம "அறிவாளி" படம் தங்கவேல் பூரி சுட்ட கதை மாதிரி. அப்படினாலும் ஓ.கே தான். எவ்வளவு அடிச்சாலும் தாங்கிக்குவாங்க. ஆனா அடிச்சிட்டு அடிச்சிட்டு "நீ ரொம்ப நல்லவனு" சொல்லனும். அவ்வளவு தான்.
Vidhya: you don't have to do anything. They will do everything themselves. If we sit back and just boost them it is enough. But the problem with them is- they will say "I know it" whatever you ask them.
Even that is ok. They will bear how much ever you hit them but the condition is you must keep saying "you are too good" after hitting them every time.

வித்யா: இது சூப்பரா இருக்கே. அப்ப அந்த மாதிரி மாப்பிளையை தேடிடுவோம்...
Nithya: this is superb. Then we must search for this kind of a groom….
all disclaimers apply

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


If Columbus had been married, he might never have discovered America , because he would have had to answer all the following questions:

· Where are you going?

· With whom?

· Why?

· How are you going?

· To discover what?

· Why only you?

· What do I do when you are not here?

· Can I come with you?

· When will you be back?

· What will you bring for me?

· You deliberately made this plan without me, didn’t you?

· You seem to be making a lot of these programs lately...

· Answer me – why?

· I want to go to my mother’s house.

· I want you to drop me there.

· I don’t want to come back – ever!

· What do you mean, OK?

· Why aren’t you stopping me?

· I don’t understand what this whole ‘discovery’ thing is about.

· You always do things like this.

· Last time also you did the same thing!

· Nowadays you always seem to do this kind of stuff.

· I still don’t understand what else is left to be discovered!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mango cheese Pie - A quick dessert within 10 min

Ingredients -
2 grahams pie crust
2 packs of cream cheese(8 unces each)
1 can mango in syrup
little elachi powder(1/2 tbsp)
some saffron
knox gelatin powder - 2 packs
2 cups water

Method :
1) Thaw the cream cheese to room temperature
2) Drain the mango pieces and beat it along with the cheese
3)sprinkle the cardamon(or elachi powder, few strands of saffrron)
4)Boil 2 cups of water and dissolve the gelatin packets in it stirring continuously, make sure you dont form any clumps
5) Now keep beating and slowly add the gelatin water to form a smooth batter
6) Pour this onto the pie crusts and refigerate for at least 6 hrs

Yummy mago cheese pie is ready to eat

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jack And Jill And Media Reporting

Simply Superb...
Here’s how the Indian TV news channells would report the Jack and Jill nursery rhyme. All names (except those of Jack and Jill), are fictitious.

Prashant - TV Anchor
Two persons have been injured in a freak climbing accident. Jack and his companion Jill had gone up a hill to fetch a pail of water when Jack fell down and broke his crown. Jill came tumbling after. Live from the hill, our reporter, Amrita Shah, takes up the story.

Amrita Shah
Thank you Prashant. Well, as you say, two persons - Jack and Jill - had gone up a hill to fetch a pail of water. Suddenly, Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after. Prashant.

Thank you Amrita. What do we know about the hill?

Not too much. Jack was going up the hill to fetch a pail of water when he fell down and broke his crown. Jill came tumbling after.

[Headline appears at the foot of the TV screen: “hill breaks crown of pail-boy Jack”]

What news of Jack and Jill?

Prashant, it seems that Jack had gone up the hill to fetch a pail of water. We know nothing about the pail, or how heavy it was but it seems that Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after. I have here with me, an eyewitness to the accident, Mr Shahid
Trivedi. Mr Shahid, tell us what you saw.

Shahid Trivedi
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.

[Headline appears at the foot of the TV screen: “Boy and girl tumble
down hill. Water spilled”]

Jack and Jill. What do we know about them? Are they brother and sister? Are they married? Just what were they doing on the hill together?

Shahid Trivedi
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail a water.

And what happened next?

Shahid Trivedi
Jack fell down and broke his crown

Go on.

Shahid Trivedi
And Jill came tumbling after.

Prashant, there you have it. Two people innocently going about their business to fetch a pail of water when one of them falls down, breaks his crown, and the other comes tumbling after. Back to you in the studio Prashant.

[Headline appears at the foot of the TV screen: “Water errand ends in tragedy”]

I have with me in the studio now, Professor Chandrashekar Belagare from the Indian Institute of Applied Hill Sciences. Professor: a hill; Jack; Jill; a pail of water. A tragedy waiting to happen?

Well that depends on the hill, the two persons, the object they were carrying and the conditions underfoot. Let us look at the evidence so far.

Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down
And broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.

Clearly, one would suspect that if Jack’s fall was severe enough to break his crown then the surface of the hill must have been slippery or unstable. But I think we’re overlooking something quite fundamental here. Who was carrying the pail? Jack fell down and broke his crown and – this is the key – Jill came tumbling after. If Jack and Jill had been carrying the pail together, would they not have fallen at the same time? The fact that Jill came tumbling after suggests that Jack lost his footing first and perhaps knocked Jill over as he slipped.

Professor thank you very much. So there we have it, two persons – Jack and Jill – went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after. Later in the programme, Osama bin Laden captured in Afghanistan, President Bush
says rent-boy menage-a-trois was "just a brief lapse of judgement", and Pakistan launches nuclear warheads against key Indian cities. But next up, join us after the break for a studio discussion about hills,boys and girls and whether water-fetching trips should be supervised.
We’ll be right back...

Friday, September 11, 2009


definition of cigarette
A pinch of tobacco
rolled in paper
with fire at one end
and a fool at the other!

definition of marriage
It's an agreement
a man loses his bachelor degree
and a woman gains her master

definition of lecture
An art of transmitting Information
from the notes of the lecturer
to the notes of students
without passing through the minds
of either

definition of conference
The confusion of one man
multiplied by the
number present

definition of compromise
The art of dividing
a cake in such a way that
everybody believes
he got the biggest piece

definition of TEARS
The hydraulic force by which
masculine will power is
defeated by feminine water-power!

definition of dictionary
A place where divorce comes
before marriage

definition of conference room
A place where everybody talks,
nobody listens
and everybody disagrees later on

definition of ecstasy
A feeling when you feel
you are going to feel
a feeling
you have never felt before

definition of classic
A book
which people praise,
but never read

definition of office
A place
where you can relax
after your strenuous
home life

definition of yawn
The only time
when some married men
ever get to open
their mouth

definition of etc
A sign
to make others believe
that you know
more than
you actually do

definition of committee
who can do
nothing individually
and sit to decide
that nothing can be done

definition of experience
The name
men give
to their

definition of atom bomb
An invention
to bring an end
to all

definition of philosopher
A fool
who torments himself
during life,
to be spoken of
when dead

definition of diplomat
A person
who tells you
to go to hell
in such a way
that you actually look forward
to the trip

definition of opportunist
A person
who starts taking bath
if he
accidentally falls
into a river

definition of optimist
A person
who while falling
says in midway

definition of pessimist
A person
who says that
O is the last letter
in ZERO,
Instead of the first letter

definition of miser
A person
who lives poor
so that
he can die RICH!

definition of father
A banker
provided by

definition of criminal
A guy
no different
from the other,
unless he gets caught

definition of boss
who is early
when you are late
and late
when you are early

definition of politician
One who
shakes your hand
before elections
and your Confidence

definition of doctor
A person
who kills
your ills
by pills,
and kills you


What a wonder full defenitions..................Pl. read them all...

definition of cigarette
A pinch of tobacco
rolled in paper
with fire at one end
and a fool at the other!

definition of marriage
It's an agreement
a man loses his bachelor degree
and a woman gains her master

definition of lecture
An art of transmitting Information
from the notes of the lecturer
to the notes of students
without passing through the minds
of either

definition of conference
The confusion of one man
multiplied by the
number present

definition of compromise
The art of dividing
a cake in such a way that
everybody believes
he got the biggest piece

definition of TEARS
The hydraulic force by which
masculine will power is
defeated by feminine water-power!

definition of dictionary
A place where divorce comes
before marriage

definition of conference room
A place where everybody talks,
nobody listens
and everybody disagrees later on

definition of ecstasy
A feeling when you feel
you are going to feel
a feeling
you have never felt before

definition of classic
A book
which people praise,
but never read

definition of office
A place
where you can relax
after your strenuous
home life

definition of yawn
The only time
when some married men
ever get to open
their mouth

definition of etc
A sign
to make others believe
that you know
more than
you actually do

definition of committee
who can do
nothing individually
and sit to decide
that nothing can be done

definition of experience
The name
men give
to their

definition of atom bomb
An invention
to bring an end
to all

definition of philosopher
A fool
who torments himself
during life,
to be spoken of
when dead

definition of diplomat
A person
who tells you
to go to hell
in such a way
that you actually look forward
to the trip

definition of opportunist
A person
who starts taking bath
if he
accidentally falls
into a river

definition of optimist
A person
who while falling
says in midway

definition of pessimist
A person
who says that
O is the last letter
in ZERO,
Instead of the first letter

definition of miser
A person
who lives poor
so that
he can die RICH!

definition of father
A banker
provided by

definition of criminal
A guy
no different
from the other,
unless he gets caught

definition of boss
who is early
when you are late
and late
when you are early

definition of politician
One who
shakes your hand
before elections
and your Confidence

definition of doctor
A person
who kills
your ills
by pills,
and kills you